Joanna T. Campbell
Joined Board: 2022; Term ends: 2025
Joanna T. Campbell is an Associate Professor of Management at the Carl H. Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati and a Research Affiliate at the University of Notre Dame. She holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from Texas A&M University. She previously served as a Representative-at-Large for the Strategic Leadership and Governance Interest Group, Stakeholder Strategy Interest Group, and for the Research Methods Community of the Strategic Management Society. She also served as a Co-Program Chair of the SMS Special Conference in Las Vegas on strategic leadership. Joanna has also served the Strategic Management Division (STR) and the Research Methods Division (RMD) of the Academy of Management in various roles, and is currently serving on the Executive Committee of STR. Joanna’s research interests include top executive characteristics and their effects on organizational outcomes, corporate governance and stakeholder strategy, and configurational theorizing and methods of analysis. Most broadly, she seeks to understand how the characteristics of individuals (e.g., CEOs) and groups of individuals (e.g., boards) affect firm outcomes. Her work has been published in several outlets, including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Research Methods, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal. She serves on the editorial review boards of Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, and Strategic Management Journal, and is an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Review.